Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Day One

Today is not only the day when Northern Ireland schools head back for a new term but also the first day of my new Job with Dunmurry Presbyterian. 

In true youth work style my first meeting of the day was at 2:30pm a nice gentle start with the boss. 
The more i am shown round the area and the church the more i potential i can see. The only side effect is the more potential the more work i see to release that potential. 
Dunmurry is one of Belfast's disputed areas is it Lisburn is it Belfast but for sure it is an area that has been under resourced by any form of youth work for a long time.
I worked for a church once who talked about their mission being to re open old wells and to plant new ones and the more i reflect upon the job the more i see that this is an old well that has become clogged up. 
It is still providing people with water but people have moved away to find better drinking wholes. Where do i fit in well lets try and clean up and re build the wells and see where we get to.